25 of my favorite travel photos

Categories Barcelona, Bogota, Spain

In honor of my 25th birthday I decided to share 25 of my favorite photos from my travels over the years. Instead of detracting from the experiences, photography actually enhances my travel and I love looking back and reflecting on my trips through my photos. They may not be the most technically perfect photos, but they are images that remind me of something special or important. Picking just 25 photos was near impossible as I have so many photos from all of my trips… however, I decided to go with the ones that have the fondest memories attached.


1. Gaudi’s Parc Guell,  Barcelona, Spain. This is my absolute favorite photo of me ever. Parc Guell gives an incredible view of Barcelona. The cool thing about Barcelona is that one end of the city is the coast and the other is the mountains, it lends itself to incredible views overlooking the city.


2. San Blas Islands, Panama. My trip to Panama was my first trip outside of the United States, when I discovered my love of travel and immediately began to think of all the other places that I wanted to go.


3. Ponte Vecchio – Florence, Italy. My trip to Florence was an absolute dream come true. Florence had been a place I had wanted to go for quite some time, and when I finally did get the chance to go it did not disappoint.


4.  Madrid, Spain. Madrid was the first place that I visited in Spain, the country that completely captured my heart. During this trip was when I knew that I had to return to Spain one day, little did I know that it would lead to me living for two years in Barcelona.


5.  Budapest, Hungary. This trip has so many memories, my time in Budapest led to one of my most vivid memories. One of the highlights was my swim in the Széchenyi thermal baths. I was there in the dead of winter, the first week of January to be exact, and it was freezing cold and had been snowing on and off. While I was in the bath (which is outdoors) it began to snow. There I was, outside, swimming… in the snow.


6. Paris, France. I had heard so much about Paris, everyone talks about Paris, everyone loves Paris. I was very excited to go and finally get to see Paris for myself. I enjoyed Paris, I liked Paris, but I’m not entirely sure that I loved Paris. However, I do want to go back to Paris and give it a second chance and see how I really feel about it.


7. Lyon, France. I didn’t expect too much of this trip, but was pleasantly surprised by Lyon. It was everything that I was looking for in Paris and didn’t find. For me I got the really “France” experience in Lyon.



8. Ibiza, Spain. Ibiza is so much more than the parties, the old historic town of Ibiza is so beautiful. We went in the off season so it was a little bit quite, but the beaches are breath taking and the water is an incredible shade of blue!


9. Oia, Santorini, Greece. My trip to Greece (Athens, Santorini & Mykonos) was one of the most memorable trips I took. I had so much fun, and the islands were so beautiful photos can hardly do it any justice.


10. Salamanca, Spain. This was the second stop on a very memorable spring trip during my first year in Spain. I spent 10 days traveling around Spain & Portugal. I got to see more of the smaller towns, and learn more about the history & culture of other parts of Spain.


11. Montjuic, Barcelona, Spain. One of my all time favorite places in Barcelona. On the weekends there’s a magic fountain show here in Plaza Espanya and it’s captivating. It’s water mixed with colored lights and music. Definitely a must see in Barcelona.



12. Christmas Market, Warsaw, Poland. Christmas Markets in Northern Europe are like something out of a storybook. They’re so beautiful and magical.


13. John Lennon Wall, Prague, Czech Republic. Prague was one stop during my first trip to Europe. I loved Prague because it was so different than any where I had been before.



14. Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain. Another one of my favorite spots in Barcelona, the inside is just as beautiful as the outside.



15. Girona, Spain ..quite easily my favorite trip ever. Girona is quite honestly one of the most beautiful towns I’ve ever been to, it’s like stepping foot into a post card.


16. Villa de Leyva, Colombia. Villa de Leyva is filled with so much nature and beauty. When visiting this beautiful town you feel like you’ve taken a step back in time.


17. the Alcazar, Sevilla, Spain . Sevilla is probably my favorite city in Spain to visit as a tourist. Sevilla for me is exactly what I expected Spain to be. It captured my heart so much that I returned a second time, and hope to return again in the future.


18. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Amsterdam has so much to offer, from the beautiful canals, to the incredible museums to the history. The canals are hands down (in my opinion) the coolest things about Amsterdam. Absolutely beautiful and they add SO much character and charm to an already beautiful city.


19. Santorini, Greece. I had to post another photo from Greece because it was just so beautiful and picture perfect. I mean look how incredible this sunset is.


20. Casa Batllo, Barcelona, Spain (la diada de Sant Jordi). As I mentioned in a previous post, this was one of my absolute favorite holiday/tradition in Barcelona. This beautifully decorated Gaudí house is just a brief glimpse into the magic and beauty of this incredible day.



21. Lisbon, Portugal. I love photos of beautiful sunsets, I also love photos looking over a city. Sitting and watching the sunset from this point of view was breathtakingly beautiful.

22. Tossa del Mar, Spain. The coast of Spain is beautiful. One day me and some friends rented a car and took a day trip up the coast. We went to the Salvador Dalí museum and to Tossa del Mar… a perfect day. 


23. the Freedom Tower, New York. Every time that I’m home I’m always so excited for my trips into Manhattan. Being able to walk around the city and taking in the sites immediately makes me feel at home.


24. Barcelona, Spain. My favorite view from los Bunkers del Caramel, the best place in Barcelona to watch the sunset from.


25. A view from the window of a plane, because what’s a better view than that? It means the start of a new adventure.



25 years with some incredible adventures, here’s to many more years with many more adventures…


71 thoughts on “25 of my favorite travel photos

    1. I spent way longer than I should probably admit picking out these photos. Each and every one of them has a special memory and story to them (the best photos usually do) … thanks for checking out my post!

    1. thank you for checking out my post! the Christmas market was truly like something out of a story book.. i’ve been to a bunch in Northern Europe… but this one is Warsaw was by far my favorite!

    1. Montjuic is truly a place like no other (especially during the fountain show!) … definitely a great place to propose.

      thanks 🙂

  1. Happy Birthday! It’s definitely worth giving Paris a second chance. There are the touristy things to do, but then there are so many special places to check out off of the beaten path. I’m currently living in Paris and absolutely love exploring Canal St. Martin, Republique, as well as places by Palais Royal.

  2. Happy birthday! Love the Ponte Vecchio pic. The symmetry and reflections are amazing. Also reminds me of a delicious ice cream I enjoyed on the bridge!

  3. Happy 25th Birthday! What a great idea to celebrate your birthday with these fabulous pictures! Loved every single picture. Thanks for sharing.

  4. A stunning set of images, some of which triggered memories of my own travels. Thanks for sharing…and belated birthday wishes, I hope you had a wonderful day.

    Helen x

  5. I enjoyed your photos, and admire your pluck to follow your wanderlust wherever it leads. I need to put some photos up on my Mexico blog that I took, and haven’t quite figured out how yet. Returning in 2 months for 4 months, so will pick up on my blog soon.

  6. Such beautiful and inspiring photos! I don’t know if you could make yourself a better present than this. I’m amazed of how many trips you had and what delighting experiences you must have had. Right now, this post made my taste for travel show up again. Hope you get too see more of this world and that you will share lovely photos of it, once again.
    P.S Thanks for liking my posts!

  7. Loved it! I must say your Santorini pic is fabulous! It’s so ethereal… when I arrived there in 2004, I was hit with this major deja Vu… as if I had been there before. Once we got up to the top, I led my group around as if I had been (lived) there before. Showed them all the ins and outs (of limits!)…Incredibly eerie, But breathtaking to feel like you lived there before.
    Beautiful collection …TLAM

  8. Such beautiful pictures, each one more gorgeous than the next! Certainly makes you want to pack a bag and go visit! What I love is how diverse they all are. Great job!

    1. Thank you so much! I really love taking photos… it’s really easy when you have a great backdrop like i had in these photos! Thanks for checking out my post 😊

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