The Berlin Wall

Categories Germany

The Berlin Wall, or ‘Berliner Mauer’ if you speak German, is an incredible place to visit, and definitely a must during any trip to Berlin.

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Way back in December 2014 – January 2015 I took a trip for the Christmas and New Year holiday. It was a 9 day trip to Amsterdam & Berlin, and this was definitely one of my favorite trips (I know I say that about most trips, but really I just love them all!)

One of the things about this trip that sticks with me the most was getting to see what remains of the Berlin wall. It is something that really and truly takes your breath away.


Along the River Spree is the longest remaining and also the most colorful stretch of the Berlin Wall – known as the East Side Gallery. It runs about 1.3 km long and has been converted into an open-air art gallery, with over 100 murals painted by international artists. They were painted back in 1990 and show the happiness that the people of Berlin felt after the wall came down, with a colorful and creative mixture of political satire, symbols of peace and anti-oppression messages.


Hopefully, you’ll get the chance to see it for yourself, or you’ve already been there. Regardless, here are some of my favorite photos I took of the Berlin Wall, but the real credit goes to the artists themselves….


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51 thoughts on “The Berlin Wall

  1. It is amazing that so many pieces of art were created in different languages! People were finally free to express themselves. I think it has been a profound moment in history. Thank you for creating and sharing your article!

    1. Thank you Natalia! It was so cool just walking down and looking at the east side gallery. The diversity & all the expressions of freedom really are incredible.

    1. It’s even more beautiful in person (if you can believe it !!) … thanks for checking out my blog!

    1. I couldn’t recommend a trip to Berlin enough. I felt like there was sooooo much to do there & everything was so interesting. Tons of history and culture, definitely a great place to travel to!

    1. Germany was great! Unfortunately I only have been to Berlin so far but I loved it. So much history, so much culture! Glad I could give you the travel bug!

    1. I’m so excited to do another post about Berlin, but I just knew that I needed to give the wall it’s own post! I couldn’t agree more… it’s crazy that even in current times people think walls are solutions. Thanks for cehcking out my blog!

  2. It is even better in person! I hope one day you can take a trip there and see it for yourself 🙂

  3. I am loving the art!! I still haven’t had the chance to visit Berlin but it is high on my list. I hear nothing but great things about the city!

  4. Headed to Berlin next week. I have visited the Wall when I last went to Berlin, but not on the east side where the colourful street art stretch is. Definitely would visit that, thanks for the info.

    1. It really just leaves you breathless. When you stand next to it and just imagine how it was it truly left me with chills. Thanks for checking out my post!

    1. That was my favorite part.. that they took something so dark and tragic & turned it into something so beautiful!

  5. Ohh! I’ve always wanted to see the east side gallery but when we went with school a couple of years ago, we didn’t go -.- . Anyway, I’m going back to Berlin around New Year and will definitely go then! The messages are truly beautiful.

    1. It’s something you should definitely check out. The impact of seeing the wall is incredible. Thanks for checking out my blog!

  6. I totally get this being your favourite trip, I was in Berlin this summer and it really touched me in a different way than other cities. I think with all this history being so recent we can really get a sense of what it must have been like for the people living there. Love your pictures of the wall!

    1. Thanks Rianne! Berlin is definitely a city that just sticks with you. The history is just.. breathtaking. Thanks again for checking out my blog!

  7. Wow, the diversity and the expressions of freedom seem really amazing ! I definitively like how the artists took the darkness and turned it bright. Thanks for sharing your images and reminding me that I have to visit Berlin soon…

  8. Thanks so much for all the pictures! Berlin has changed so much since I was there, and the wall still surrounded West Berlin. A great improvement, in my view. Wish I could go back, but at least I’ve gotten a glimpse of the art thanks to you!

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